The purpose of our lives is to be happy. -Dalai Lama


Let it snow

The snow arrived right in time for us to enjoy a white Christmas. Joe had a blast making forts and trails, and Rocco had so much fun playing in them.

Ada decided to come over when she heard about Rocco's sweet new snow digs.


The best gift of all is family

We switched up the tradition this year and celebrated Christmas with the Morris Family early and in Brooklyn Center, rather than on Christmas Eve at Grandma Theresa's. Everyone had a great time, especially the kids. Charissa and Phil were kind enough to open their house for everyone to come and eat, drink, and be merry.

The little ones had so much fun playing together.

Even at age four, Josephine knows that it wouldn't be Christmas without Dancing Santa.

Hanging out in the playroom

Zebra Snuggie!

Rocco's first computer! Thanks Great-grandma Theresa!